Beautifully poignant and utterly compelling. Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ My Review The Cuckoo Sister is a heart-breaking story of post-natal depression and a mother whose struggle is completely overlooked by those around her. Maggie’s inner torment was described so well that I could really empathise with her battle and understand the overwhelming fear that led her to make the […]
My Publication Journey – How It All Began
When I was an unpublished writer, dreaming of getting my novels published, one of the questions I asked published authors was; how did they do it? I wanted to understand the process. The steps. The accountant in me wanted to be able to study it. Understand it. Replicate it. The problem of course is that […]
Author Life – Book 3
I’ve been a bit quiet on the blog recently as I’ve been focused on writing book 3*. When I’m writing, particularly as the deadline looms closer, I hunker down and get completely absorbed in my characters world. But I’ve just completed the structural edit, which has been approved by my editor, and now the book […]
Guest Blog – A Love of Landscape – Suzanne Snow
My writing is inspired by a deep love of landscape, romance and rural life, and these themes are in each of my books. I grew up with horses and I love being outdoors to observe and appreciate the differing elements of the seasons. As a gardener, spring is my favourite time of the year because […]
Guest Blog – Debbie Young
I write cozy mysteries rather than psychological thrillers, but my books have more in common with Alex Stone’s than you might expect. Firstly, I have unreliable female narrators, Gemma Lamb and Sophie Sayers. They are new to their environments – a girls’ boarding school for Gemma, and a nearby Cotswold village for Sophie (they meet […]
Book Review – Snowfall Over Halesmere House by Suzanne Snow
A heart-warming tale of learning to live despite overwhelming loss and trying to find a space for yourself as an individual, with your own needs and hopes. Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I love Suzanne’s Thorndale series, and couldn’t wait to read her latest novel, Snowfall Over Halesmere House. I was particularly intrigued as it is set in the […]